I have been working for sometime with current sensors (current sensor goes all around the conductor to get a voltage reference corresponding to the amperage), however I just found this little device that claims to be patented (I couldn't find the patent).
It has come to my attention that the system measures current just as a current sensor (sensor around the conductor), and it measures voltage with the "little plated pins", in order to provide relevant information, apparent power, power factor, current, etc...
The datasheet claims that it has been patented (it does not provide patent number) according to what I know, the current sensor shouldn't work as intended since it does not close the loop so the readings should not be accurate, and yet the device claims a 2% accuracy.
I have also been looking for any articles about what kind of device or technology is behind this device to verify its accuracy however I haven't found anything about it nor about current sensing techniques involving incomplete magnetic cores.
I'm clueless about what's going on here so I have come here to ask (hopefully I can get a lead); what am I missing here?