2 votes

Is this a good circuit for connecting a piezo disc sensor to a microcontroller?

No, it does not look right. You say you have a Teensy 4.0. It does not have a 5V MCU, but a 3.3V MCU, so the analog reference and analog inputs are up to 3.3V only. 5V will damage it. Also the analog ...
Justme's user avatar
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1 vote

How to introduce a PIR motion sensor and/or timer into my circuit?

I will answer for the timer version. If I could get a proper datasheet for the PIR sensor, I might answer for that also. Since you only have 3V, you need to use a CMOS 555 timer, AKA 7555. All cap ...
Mattman944's user avatar
1 vote

Raspberry Pi Pico, ensuring the circuit diagram is correct

As noted in comments, the regulator absolutely needs to be grounded down. Ideally with the shortest path back to the supply ground as possible. You cannot place arbitrary diodes and passives in the ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 20.2k

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