
What's involved in building your own RFID reader? As you guys would know industrial RFID readers aren't cheap, how do you energise the antenna, then read back the output?

  • \$\begingroup\$ If you are looking for something cheap this may do the trick. \$\endgroup\$
    – Squirt8500
    Nov 19, 2009 at 21:04

4 Answers 4


There's a University(UG) level final project detailing one here.

There's a more general RFID eavesdropper/reader here.


before beginning, you have to know that there are mainly two type of RFID Reader:

  1. 125 khz : antenna of 100 turn coil
  2. 13.6 Mhz : antenna of 3-5 turn coil, more sofisticated can include communication protocol and security issues

if it just to open a door or something like that you can use the 125 khz


This is a bit old, but in case someone else is reading in 2012. Actually there are then three "types".. Another common one is 134.2 kHz

Quoted from above answers: ....before beginning, you have to know that there are mainly two type of RFID Reader:

125 khz : antenna of 100 turn coil 13.6 Mhz : antenna of 3-5 turn coil, more sofisticated can include communication protocol and security issues.....



SparkFun has a lot of parts and boards that can help you as well.


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