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Improved formatting a bit and added a link to a similar MCU (the closest mentioned by the OP I could find). Also removed thank you line as we express appreciation by upvoting and accepting answers.
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I'm using STM32L152RTC6 (link to similar MCU line) with a built-in eepromEEPROM (8k). I wonder if there's any tool that allows me to read/write the eepromEEPROM from the host side, other than programming the MCU using ST library code. (i, i.e. STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Examples\FLASH\Data_Program):


I did some search online. For Atmel mcuMCUs, people use avrdude terminal to dump the EEPROM message, but I haven't found a good tool for STMicroelectronics MCU. Thanks.

I'm using STM32L152RTC6 with a built-in eeprom (8k). I wonder if there's any tool that allows me to read/write the eeprom from the host side, other than programming the MCU using ST library code. (i.e. STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Examples\FLASH\Data_Program)

I did some search online. For Atmel mcu, people use avrdude terminal to dump the EEPROM message, but I haven't found a good tool for STMicroelectronics MCU. Thanks.

I'm using STM32L152RTC6 (link to similar MCU line) with a built-in EEPROM (8k). I wonder if there's any tool that allows me to read/write the EEPROM from the host side, other than programming the MCU using ST library code, i.e.:


I did some search online. For Atmel MCUs, people use avrdude terminal to dump the EEPROM message, but I haven't found a good tool for STMicroelectronics MCU.

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Is there any tool to read/write EEPROM of STM32L from the host?

I'm using STM32L152RTC6 with a built-in eeprom (8k). I wonder if there's any tool that allows me to read/write the eeprom from the host side, other than programming the MCU using ST library code. (i.e. STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.2.0\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Examples\FLASH\Data_Program)

I did some search online. For Atmel mcu, people use avrdude terminal to dump the EEPROM message, but I haven't found a good tool for STMicroelectronics MCU. Thanks.