The expression -25dB/V/uBar means that the output level is 25 dB below a volt per ubar (microbar). This means that the microphone will output a level of -25dB below a volt (0.0562 volts) for an acoustic input of 1 microbar. Note that the micropascal has replaced the microbar as the unit of acoustic pressure. One microbar is equal to 100,000 micropascals. So the microophone sensitivity can also be expressed as -125 dB/V/uPa. Also,note that the reference level for air acoustics is 20 microbarsmicropascals. So an acoustic level of 94 dB is equivalent to 50119 X 20 or about 1,000,000 microbarsmicropascals. Note that a microbarmicropascal is a relatively small unit. The range of human earshearing is about 0 dB to 120 dB. More information about air and human hearing can readily be found with simple searches.