hello to all,
i'mI'm working on I2C Based Communication Device bq27742-g1(Texas Instrument) Battery fuel gauge which is Slave Device address is 0xAA. iI have put in the 10K pull up resistor of 10 k.
inIn this i'mI'm using KineticKinetis series cortex m4Cortex M4 micro controller as Master device. micro controller successfully working withThe microcontroller works with another I2C device.
Bq27741I have tested the bq27741-g1 Battery fuel gauge i have tested onwith an MSP430 launchpadLaunchpad board using I2C scanner and it is working on Launchpad boardworks fine.
iI have attached screen shot of CRO Signals (SDA(PINK) SCL(Yellow)) of I2C Device in the 9th clock pulse of SCL when SDA have undetermined state.why Why does this is occur at this level . in? Is this having issue offrom the pull up resistor .??