I might be asking for too much with this one, but I hope it is out there. I would like a fuse that can be reset, but not automatically. I need to be able to know that the fuse is blowing and with a thermal fuse it will just start back up after it opens. I would also like to be able to change the value in case it doesn't open in time or opens too often. I need something low around .25 amps up to 1.5amps, and this is going to happen often so I don't want to use glass fuses because of the cost. Has anyone seen anything like this? Perhaps a circuit? Or has anyone seen some test gear that has these features that I can use on the motor until I find out exactly where it will safely blow. It needs to be small because of where the motor is mounted. Thanks very much, Russ
It is a 12VDC motor. At the moment I don't have the circuit diagram available.
I don't think it matters if the fuse is at the low or high side.
Sometimes the motors stop switch does not work and it cause the motor drive train to jam and grind down some brass gears. When it jams the current goes up from about 10mA to 30 to 40mA and this is why I need some way to stop the motor.
Hopefully there is a fuse or circuit breaker available that will meet this need.