I have taken the suggestions that have been provided and swapped the op-amp inputs. The schematic is now:
However, when I run the simulation, the graphical output of Vout
This is still not he magnitude of 2.5V which is what I was expecting. The simulation output is the following:
Circuit: KiCad schematic
Reducing trtol to 1 for xspice 'A' devices
Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000
Warning: v2: no DC value, transient time 0 value used
Note: Starting dynamic gmin stepping
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-03 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-04 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-05 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-06 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-07 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-08 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-09 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-10 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-11 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin step
Trying gmin = 1.0000E-12 Note: One successful gmin step
Note: Dynamic gmin stepping completed
Initial Transient Solution
Node Voltage
---- -------
vout 0.0700215
net-_rf-pad2_ 0.428352
vin 0.5
xu1.esdn 0.428352
xu1.mid 2.5
... Truncated because of post length requirements
Reference value : 0.00000e+00
No. of Data Rows : 1014
Any further suggestions, remember, I am very new to this, so I could be missing something very basic. Thanks for the help.