I have made a wifiWiFi controlled car using nodemcuNodeMCU. It works fine if I connect nodemcuthe NodeMCU to a separate 5v5 V supply.
But ifIf I use the same power supply for both the motors and nodemcuthe NodeMCU, it resets automatically sometimes when the load is high &and I lost my wifiWiFi connection with the mobile.
I am using an L298 motor driver to drive 4 plastic geared-geared motors and two 18650 batterybatteries (8v Approx8 V approx).
Reset happens when I use inbuild 5vthe built-in 5 V supply from the L298 to power up the nodemcuNodeMCU. Also, I also tried a separate 7805 regulator for nodemcuthe NodeMCU, but same problem.
I believe this problem happeninghappens due to high load on the motors. But I don't want to use a separate power supply for nodemcuthe NodeMCU since mythe space is very small.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab