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The MPLABX v5.5040 IDE still has a lot of problems.

The MPLABX v5.50 IDE still has a lot of problems.

The MPLABX v5.40 IDE still has a lot of problems.

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The MPLABX v5.50 IDE is still has a lot of problems.

    ; File:     main.S
    ; Target:   PIC10F206
    ; Author:   dan1138
    ; Date:     2020-08-14
    ; Compiler: pic-as(v2.20)
    ; IDE:      MPLABX v5.40
    ; Depends on files:
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\proc\
    ; Description:
    ;   Example project for the PIC10F206 controller using the pic-as(v2.20) tool chain.
    ; Add this line in the project properties box "pic-as Global Options -> Additional options": 
    ;   -Wa,-a -Wl,-pStartCode=0h,-pOscCalVec=1ffh
        PROCESSOR   10F206
        PAGEWIDTH   132
        RADIX       dec
    ; Include target specific definitions for special function registers
    #include <>
    ; Set the configuration word
     config MCLRE = OFF, CP = OFF, WDTE = ON
    #define LED_GPIO    1
    ; Declare one byte in RAM
        PSECT   MainData,global,class=RAM,space=1,delta=1,noexec
        global  Counter
    Counter:    DS      1
    ; Simple test application that toggles
    ; GPIO bit x on every wake from sleep.
    ; The WDT timeout is at least 1280 milliseconds
    ; and at most 3968 milliseconds, will typically 
    ; be about 2300 milliseconds. It depends on the
    ; temperature and the VDD voltage.
        PSECT   StartCode,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  Start
        clrf    Counter
        movlw   0xDF                        ; Use FOSC/4 as TIMER0 clock isnot FOSC/4GPIO2
        clrf    CMCON0                      ; turn off comparator
        bcf     OSCCAL,OSCCAL_FOSC4_POSITION; Do not drive GPIO2 with FOSC/4
        movlw   ~(1<<LED_GPIO)
        tris    GPIO
        andwf   GPIO,F                      ; set all output bits to zero

        movlw   (1<<LED_GPIO)
        btfsc   Counter,0
        xorwf   GPIO,F                      ; Turn on LED
        incf    Counter,F                   ; Increment the Counter value
        movf    GPIO,W
        sleep                               ; Wake from sleep results in a reset
        goto    Loop                        ; Hang here waiting for a reset
    ; In the PIC10F206 the factory calibration for
    ; the onchip oscillator is stored as a MOVLW 0xnn
    ; opcode as the last instruction of code space.
    ; On RESET the PC is set to all ones and this
    ; opcode is executed, then the PC rolls over
    ; to zero and the first opcode of the application
    ; will execute.
        PSECT   OscCalVec,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  OscCal

        end     OscCal

The MPLABX v5.50 IDE is still has a lot of problems.

    ; File:     main.S
    ; Target:   PIC10F206
    ; Author:   dan1138
    ; Date:     2020-08-14
    ; Compiler: pic-as(v2.20)
    ; IDE:      MPLABX v5.40
    ; Depends on files:
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\proc\
    ; Description:
    ;   Example project for the PIC10F206 controller using the pic-as(v2.20) tool chain.
    ; Add this line in the project properties box "pic-as Global Options -> Additional options": 
    ;   -Wa,-a -Wl,-pStartCode=0h,-pOscCalVec=1ffh
        PROCESSOR   10F206
        PAGEWIDTH   132
        RADIX       dec
    ; Include target specific definitions for special function registers
    #include <>
    ; Set the configuration word
     config MCLRE = OFF, CP = OFF, WDTE = ON
    #define LED_GPIO    1
    ; Declare one byte in RAM
        PSECT   MainData,global,class=RAM,space=1,delta=1,noexec
        global  Counter
    Counter:    DS      1
    ; Simple test application that toggles
    ; GPIO bit x on every wake from sleep.
    ; The WDT timeout is at least 1280 milliseconds
    ; and at most 3968 milliseconds, will typically 
    ; be about 2300 milliseconds. It depends on the
    ; temperature and the VDD voltage.
        PSECT   StartCode,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  Start
        clrf    Counter
        movlw   0xDF                        ; TIMER0 clock is FOSC/4
        clrf    CMCON0                      ; turn off comparator
        bcf     OSCCAL,OSCCAL_FOSC4_POSITION; Do not drive GPIO2 with FOSC/4
        movlw   ~(1<<LED_GPIO)
        tris    GPIO
        andwf   GPIO,F                      ; set all output bits to zero

        movlw   (1<<LED_GPIO)
        btfsc   Counter,0
        xorwf   GPIO,F                      ; Turn on LED
        incf    Counter,F                   ; Increment the Counter value
        movf    GPIO,W
        sleep                               ; Wake from sleep results in a reset
        goto    Loop                        ; Hang here waiting for a reset
    ; In the PIC10F206 the factory calibration for
    ; the onchip oscillator is stored as a MOVLW 0xnn
    ; opcode as the last instruction of code space.
    ; On RESET the PC is set to all ones and this
    ; opcode is executed, then the PC rolls over
    ; to zero and the first opcode of the application
    ; will execute.
        PSECT   OscCalVec,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  OscCal

        end     OscCal

The MPLABX v5.50 IDE still has a lot of problems.

    ; File:     main.S
    ; Target:   PIC10F206
    ; Author:   dan1138
    ; Date:     2020-08-14
    ; Compiler: pic-as(v2.20)
    ; IDE:      MPLABX v5.40
    ; Depends on files:
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\proc\
    ; Description:
    ;   Example project for the PIC10F206 controller using the pic-as(v2.20) tool chain.
    ; Add this line in the project properties box "pic-as Global Options -> Additional options": 
    ;   -Wa,-a -Wl,-pStartCode=0h,-pOscCalVec=1ffh
        PROCESSOR   10F206
        PAGEWIDTH   132
        RADIX       dec
    ; Include target specific definitions for special function registers
    #include <>
    ; Set the configuration word
     config MCLRE = OFF, CP = OFF, WDTE = ON
    #define LED_GPIO    1
    ; Declare one byte in RAM
        PSECT   MainData,global,class=RAM,space=1,delta=1,noexec
        global  Counter
    Counter:    DS      1
    ; Simple test application that toggles
    ; GPIO bit x on every wake from sleep.
    ; The WDT timeout is at least 1280 milliseconds
    ; and at most 3968 milliseconds, will typically 
    ; be about 2300 milliseconds. It depends on the
    ; temperature and the VDD voltage.
        PSECT   StartCode,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  Start
        clrf    Counter
        movlw   0xDF                        ; Use FOSC/4 as TIMER0 clock not GPIO2
        clrf    CMCON0                      ; turn off comparator
        bcf     OSCCAL,OSCCAL_FOSC4_POSITION; Do not drive GPIO2 with FOSC/4
        movlw   ~(1<<LED_GPIO)
        tris    GPIO
        andwf   GPIO,F                      ; set all output bits to zero

        movlw   (1<<LED_GPIO)
        btfsc   Counter,0
        xorwf   GPIO,F                      ; Turn on LED
        incf    Counter,F                   ; Increment the Counter value
        movf    GPIO,W
        sleep                               ; Wake from sleep results in a reset
        goto    Loop                        ; Hang here waiting for a reset
    ; In the PIC10F206 the factory calibration for
    ; the onchip oscillator is stored as a MOVLW 0xnn
    ; opcode as the last instruction of code space.
    ; On RESET the PC is set to all ones and this
    ; opcode is executed, then the PC rolls over
    ; to zero and the first opcode of the application
    ; will execute.
        PSECT   OscCalVec,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  OscCal

        end     OscCal
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The MPLABX v5.50 IDE is still has a lot of problems.

The pic-as(v2.20) tool chain is a nightmare.

This is the code I could get to work:

    ; File:     main.S
    ; Target:   PIC10F206
    ; Author:   dan1138
    ; Date:     2020-08-14
    ; Compiler: pic-as(v2.20)
    ; IDE:      MPLABX v5.40
    ; Depends on files:
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\
    ;   <InstallPathVaries>\xc8\v2.20\pic\include\proc\
    ; Description:
    ;   Example project for the PIC10F206 controller using the pic-as(v2.20) tool chain.
    ; Add this line in the project properties box "pic-as Global Options -> Additional options": 
    ;   -Wa,-a -Wl,-pStartCode=0h,-pOscCalVec=1ffh
        PROCESSOR   10F206
        PAGEWIDTH   132
        RADIX       dec
    ; Include target specific definitions for special function registers
    #include <>
    ; Set the configuration word
     config MCLRE = OFF, CP = OFF, WDTE = ON
    #define LED_GPIO    1
    ; Declare one byte in RAM
        PSECT   MainData,global,class=RAM,space=1,delta=1,noexec
        global  Counter
    Counter:    DS      1
    ; Simple test application that toggles
    ; GPIO bit x on every wake from sleep.
    ; The WDT timeout is at least 1280 milliseconds
    ; and at most 3968 milliseconds, will typically 
    ; be about 2300 milliseconds. It depends on the
    ; temperature and the VDD voltage.
        PSECT   StartCode,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  Start
        clrf    Counter
        movlw   0xDF                        ; TIMER0 clock is FOSC/4
        clrf    CMCON0                      ; turn off comparator
        bcf     OSCCAL,OSCCAL_FOSC4_POSITION; Do not drive GPIO2 with FOSC/4
        movlw   ~(1<<LED_GPIO)
        tris    GPIO
        andwf   GPIO,F                      ; set all output bits to zero

        movlw   (1<<LED_GPIO)
        btfsc   Counter,0
        xorwf   GPIO,F                      ; Turn on LED
        incf    Counter,F                   ; Increment the Counter value
        movf    GPIO,W
        sleep                               ; Wake from sleep results in a reset
        goto    Loop                        ; Hang here waiting for a reset
    ; In the PIC10F206 the factory calibration for
    ; the onchip oscillator is stored as a MOVLW 0xnn
    ; opcode as the last instruction of code space.
    ; On RESET the PC is set to all ones and this
    ; opcode is executed, then the PC rolls over
    ; to zero and the first opcode of the application
    ; will execute.
        PSECT   OscCalVec,class=CODE,delta=2
        global  OscCal

        end     OscCal