I have an slave SPI device implemented within an FPGA (Basys 3). I have had problems to route the SPI clock signal provided by a master to my slave device through one of the board PMOD pins (see this post).
What the 'application' does is: the SPI master (MCU) sends data to the slave (FPGA), and each time a byte of data is ready, the FPGA reads it and dumps the byte value to an 8 LED array. I have tried this already using routing the SPI master clock directly to the FPGA slave, and it works.
Now I want to apply the 'oversampling' technique (as explained in the post above) to avoid routing a clock signal through a PMOD pin, which is a very bad practice as far as I know. Let clk
be the clock generated inside the FPGA (100 MHz), then, what I have done (which I understand is a good practice) is:
- Route the clock signal generated by the master SPI to an edge detector (within the FPGA, driven be
- Drive the slave SPI with
as well, and check the output of the above detector in order to read/write from/in MOSI/MISO.
With the above design, the FPGA gets completely desynchronized. The value 'dumped' to the LED array makes no sense (it does work with the previous version, driving the SPI maste clock signal directly to the slave through a PMOD pin). I'm aware of the master device sends data with enough time between frames to not make the FPGA 'collapse' (I'm 100% sure about this because, as explained, the previous version I have works).
My SPI master device (which is an MCU) asserts the reset signal just after configuring the SPI master periph., so I'm sure that the problem is not that I reset the MCU and the slave is in a not valid state due to a previous SPI transaction not being completed.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. The code is below:
Main FPGA module
`timescale 1us/100ns
// This mismatch between send and receive data size is due to the 4 dummy bits the slave
// 'needs' to receive. I'm sure this works because I have tested it before trying to apply
// the 'oversmaling' design.
`define EN_WAIT_CYCLES_VAL 100
module spi_tb_fpga(CLK100MHZ, JA, LED);
input wire CLK100MHZ;
input wire [7:0] JA;
output wire [15:0] LED;
wire __fpga_clk;
// SPI var. decl.
wire miso, mosi, ss, sck;
// SPI slave
reg [`SEND_DATA_LENGTH - 1 : 0] slave_send_data = 12'hf55;
wire [`RECV_DATA_LENGTH - 1 : 0] slave_recv_data;
reg [`RECV_DATA_LENGTH - 1 : 0] slave_recv_buff = 0;
reg [7:0] slave_read_val = 0;
wire slave_recv_data_rdy;
reg clk = 0;
wire rst;
spi_slave sl(
miso, mosi, ss, sck, slave_send_data, slave_recv_data, slave_recv_data_rdy, __fpga_clk, rst
assign __fpga_clk = CLK100MHZ;
// slave_read_val is a buffer set by the SPI slave each time it finishes reading 8 + 4 bits
// (the last 4 are dummy bits to provide more clock cycles, see below)
assign LED[0] = slave_read_val[0];
assign LED[1] = slave_read_val[1];
assign LED[2] = slave_read_val[2];
assign LED[3] = slave_read_val[3];
assign LED[4] = slave_read_val[4];
assign LED[5] = slave_read_val[5];
assign LED[6] = slave_read_val[6];
assign LED[7] = slave_read_val[7];
// JA is the PMOD header 0
assign JA[0] = mosi;
assign JA[2] = ss;
assign JA[3] = sck;
assign JA[4] = rst;
// Capture SPI rx buffers
always @ (posedge slave_recv_data_rdy) begin
slave_read_val <= slave_recv_data[7:0];
Edge detectors
module pos_edge_det ( input wire sig,
input wire clk,
output wire pe);
reg sig_dly;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
sig_dly <= sig;
assign pe = sig & ~sig_dly;
module neg_edge_det ( input wire sig,
input wire clk,
output wire pe);
reg sig_dly;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
sig_dly <= sig;
assign pe = sig | ~sig_dly;
SPI slave device
The SPI slave is supposed to read 8 bits + 4 dummy bits that are there just to provide the device enough clock cycles to finish all its work. I'm aware of this is no longer necessary given that it now receives the main FPGA clock, but I want to focus on the de-synchronization problem.
The SPI module (see bottom of the snippet below) instantiates both tx and rx, but tx can be ignored for now since I'm only testing the rx part for now.
module spi_slave
#(parameter SEND_DATA_LEN = 12, parameter RECV_DATA_LEN = 8)(
output wire miso,
input wire mosi,
input wire ss,
input wire sck,
input wire [SEND_DATA_LEN - 1 : 0] send_data,
output wire [RECV_DATA_LEN - 1 : 0] recv_data,
output wire recv_data_rdy,
input wire clk,
input wire rst
wire psck;
wire nsck;
wire prst;
pos_edge_det ped_psck(sck, clk, psck);
neg_edge_det ned_psck(sck, clk, nsck);
pos_edge_det ped_rst(rst, clk, prst);
spi_tx #(.DATA_LENGTH(SEND_DATA_LEN)) tx(miso, ss, nsck, send_data, prst, clk);
spi_rx #(.DATA_LENGTH(RECV_DATA_LEN)) rx(mosi, ss, psck,
recv_data, recv_data_rdy, prst, clk);
module spi_rx
#(parameter DATA_LENGTH = 8)(
input wire rx,
input wire ss,
input wire sck,
output reg [DATA_LENGTH - 1 : 0] data,
output reg data_rdy,
input wire prst,
input wire clk
localparam IDLE = 0, RECV = 1, DUMMY_BITS = 2;
reg [DATA_LENGTH - 1 : 0] buff = 0;
reg [3:0] idx = 0;
reg [3:0] dummy_bits_cnt = 0;
reg [4:0] timer = 0;
reg [1:0] cs = IDLE;
initial begin
data <= 0;
data_rdy <= 0;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge prst) begin
if (prst) begin
buff <= 0;
idx <= 0;
dummy_bits_cnt <= 0;
timer <= 0;
cs <= IDLE;
data <= 0;
data_rdy <= 0;
end else if (sck) begin
case (cs)
IDLE: begin
if (!ss) begin
cs <= RECV;
data_rdy <= 0;
data <= 0;
buff[idx] <= rx;
idx <= idx + 1;
dummy_bits_cnt <= 0;
RECV: begin
idx <= idx + 1;
if (idx >= DATA_LENGTH) begin
data <= buff;
buff <= 0;
idx <= 0;
end else begin
buff[idx] <= rx;
if (!data_rdy)
data_rdy <= 1;
dummy_bits_cnt <= dummy_bits_cnt + 1;
if (dummy_bits_cnt == 2) begin
cs <= IDLE;