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Timeline for Capacitor problem

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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Aug 11 at 3:37 comment added D.A.S. THat depends if the cap has memory of a stored charge, but if it starts at 0V then the meter measures the difference.
Aug 11 at 0:03 comment added Michał Łyczek I haven't heard about it yet, voltage was decreasing but i didn't wait until it reach exactly 0V, but my question is mainly about why 9V is measured at the beggining on multimeter, immediately after connecting it, and will the voltage U in the drawing also be 9V similarly to real connection?
Aug 10 at 22:14 comment added D.A.S. to emulate e-cap leakage. Did your expectation go to 0V?
Aug 10 at 20:35 comment added Michał Łyczek But what is the purpose of 50M resistance?
Aug 10 at 18:21 history answered D.A.S. CC BY-SA 4.0