Recently, a have a chance to get a AT89S52 chip, but I do not have a suitable programmer for it. I am new to microcontrollers, especially the MCS-51 series , but I've heard that MCS-51 is the "right way" to do microcontroller stuff, and I would like to try about learning it.
I have a USB to TTL (UART) converter (using the PL2303HX chip), an Arduino Uno board, and a Raspberry Pi board.
I've searched on the internet about how to program the chip, but most of the information and circuit diagram involves serial RS-232 port, or parallel printer port, or some other expensive commercial programmer products. As I don't have a RS-232 or printer port on my computer, I can't follow these diagrams or tutorials.
I've discussed to a friend of mine that is familiar with 89C51, and he told me that according to the Atmel's datasheet of serial programming of the 89S51 chip, it's actually technically possible to program the chip with Arduino or Raspberry Pi, but he's not sure if it's doable with USB to TTL(UART) converter.
I haven't found any clear information of the protocol of the 89S51 serial programming (some say that it's SPI, but some say it's not), which maybe is because my lack of English ability or knowledge about electronics stuff, I'm like completely confused.
So, is it possible to actually program an AT89S51 chip with USB to TTL(UART) converter or some simple circuit with that? If can't, is it possible to program it with an Arduino board or Raspberry Pi? Has anyone ever done those things?
If the above is all not possible, then can I use a USB to RS-232 converter with a serial programmer like this?
(I get this diagram from here)
Thanks in advance.
P.S. A lot of the commercial products are not usable for me because I don't have a Windows computer anywhere within my reach.