I want to generate a precise frequency in the 500MHz range, and have therefore purchased a VCO (200MHz to 400MHz).
To measure the VCO output frequency, I'm trying to build a high frequency counter up to 500MHz.
The way I have been trying to do it, is using the MC100E016 (ECL Synchronous Binary Up Counter). Take the Q6 (/64) output and feed this into my oscilloscope (and later MCU). But this seems hard to get to work, because the PECL logic sets high demands on the input.
Do you have any good and easy way to build a frequency counter, or even just a divider would be fine (my 100MHz oscilloscope can measure the output from the divider).
Or even better, generate a 200MHz to 400MHz range frequency, who's frequency can be set (digital or what ever).