So I've got a bit of a problem trying to understand this circuit in my physics book.
If current flows in the direction of the three arrows (I1, I2 and I3, couldn't find a way to name them) how can there be a complete loop? As far as I'm aware current can't travel both ways through the same cable. Are the batteries charging each other up or is there something else going on? Do the currents cancel each other out when they meet after leaving the positive pole?
The reason for me asking this is because I need to know the direction of the three currents "leaving" the positive sides of the battery in order to do a proper loop equation. Now, I realize that this might be a bit more theoretical than most other problems you answer on this site, but I thought I might as well give it a go.
Thank you in advance to anyone who might want to help me out.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab