I am developing industrial monitoring system, at this moment with Raspberry Pi and its camera (this might change if it is not satisfactory). The camera will take still pictures of the scene once in a few seconds. Since the objects are moving, it has shutter time max 1/1000s. After some experiments, I determined I need around 10kLux light source which is either turned on all the time (though without producing excessive heat), which is turned on and off programatically, bracketing the camera action, or one which can be synced with the camera shutter using the camera's chip flash sync.
The camera unfortunately has rolling shutter, so xenon flash tubes are out, AFAIK -- their light interval is probably too short, there would be partial exposure -- but that's just what I understand from readings sources, so I will be glad to be corrected here).
What other flash options do I have? I will be glad to use LED-based flash, but need reliable circuitry around it as well. Ready-made industrial cameras systems costing over $4000 are something I would like to avoid, if possible.
I would like to ask for pointer in which way to go, keywords to search for, or even marketed products which would be suitable. I am personally only moderately skilled in low-level electronics, but have colleagues who know that stuff.