Consider this pdf document, pages 58-59-60. It is a differential amplifier with a current mirror as active load.
According to that document, if I take the unbalanced output in the right-hand branch (drain of M2), the transconductance gain is \$ g_m \$, while if I take the unbalanced output in the left-hand branch (drain of M1), the transconductance gain is \$ g_m / 2 \$. It is because the current of M2 and the current of the mirror are both entering the M2 drain, as regards the differential mode signal.
Let \$ v_{o1} \$ and \$ v_{o2} \$ be respectively the M1 drain voltage and the M2 drain voltage.
If \$ R_{out} \$ is the output resistance of this amplifier looking into both \$ v_{o1} \$ and \$ v_{o2} \$, the voltage differential gain is different in the two nodes, being \$ A'_{v,dm} = g_m R_{out} / 2 \$ for \$ v_{o1} \$ and \$ A''_{v,dm} = g_m R_{out} \$ for \$ v_{o2} \$.
First question: Wasn't this circuit perfectly symmetrical?
Moreover: the outputs can be written as
$$v_{o1} = A_{v,cm} v_{icm} + A_{v,dm} \displaystyle \frac{v_{idm}}{2}$$
$$v_{o2} = A_{v,cm} v_{icm} - A_{v,dm} \displaystyle \frac{v_{idm}}{2}$$
where the two input were
$$v_{i1} = v_{icm} + \displaystyle \frac{v_{idm}}{2}$$ $$v_{i2} = v_{icm} - \displaystyle \frac{v_{idm}}{2}$$
(\$ v_{icm} \$ is the common-mode signal component; \$ v_{idm} \$ is the differential-mode signal component)
Second question: What does happen if \$ A_{v,dm} \$ is different between the two output nodes? Should I consider \$ v_{o1} - v_{o2} = (A'_{v,dm} + A''_{v,dm}) v_{icm} \$?