I am learning how to do USB communication with the MSP430F5529 Launchpad and trying to upload the CDC 1 LEDonOff Example from the MSP430 USB Developers Package provided by TI.
I am also following this guide specifically section 2.5.3 but when I plug in my launchpad I see the MSP Application UART and MSP Debug Interface but the third (MSP430-USB Example) doesn't show up under Other Devices with the yellow "bang", instead it shows up as "Unknown Device" under the USB Controllers Tab of device manager.
I tried right clicking it and manually installing the drivers by navigating to the USB_Config folder of the example I was on, but it doesn't install, instead windows says it already has installed the most up-to-date drivers.
This makes it impossible to use any USB communication examples because this occurs on every example I have tried.
How do I force the computer to install the right drivers and recolonize the device as the USB Example device?
EDIT: I discovered a strange symptom, the drivers install properly (manually) when I flash the device and try to run it outside of a debug session (just connected to the PC from USB) and the program runs as intended connected to my terminal program on my computer, but when I try to run it inside a debug session it will not install the device properly (even if I never set any breaks, just open debug session and hit run), it always shows up as "unknown device" in debug session, even now - after I have installed the drivers and windows remembers it outside debug session - it only works outside of debug session and shows up as "unknown device" inside a session.