I've built a simple unity-gain buffer op-amp circuit from the UCSB lab here, with a 12V power supply and a 1V, 1 kHz input sine wave.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Everything seems to be going well- except for that the output sine wave has a drop-off on the lower part of the signal, which will start if you leave the circuit alone for a couple seconds. Here's a gif I made of the problem (YouTube here):
The signal stays in the strange raised state indefinitely, but if I short the leads of the +V bypass capacitor, the signal returns to a normal sine wave. If I short the leads of the -V bypass capacitor, the signal turns into the raised state.
This seems to me like there is a problem with the values of the bypass capacitors (currently 104 or 0.01 uF). I know from playing around with the circuit earlier that two 0.0001 uF bypass capacitors just don't "fill" the sine waves out all of the way.
Is something wired wrong? (I connected all of the earth grounds together... is that good?) Is 0.1 uF just not large enough for the bypass caps? Or should I add a resistor somewhere? If so, why?
EDIT 11/16/15:
Here is my shot at a working circuit. Is this what is recommended?