I am trying to amplify a CT sensor. The sensor is giving 5mV amplitude for low current, 100mV amplitude for higher current.
I built a voltage divider with 220 ohm resistors, and connect to a noninverting opamp with gain that should be 120k/10k+1 or about 13.
I am using 6V battery packs for positive and negative power for the LM358. The waveform going into the op amp shows on the oscilloscope as 5mV amplitude @60Hz.
The waveform coming out is only positive, and there is no gain. Since I'm fairly sure I built the circuit correctly, I'm first showing the schematic, assuming that the concept is wrong. If you experts tell me the schematic is right, then I will have to take a picture of the circuit and attach it to determine how it is built wrong.
Ok, in light of the answer I am posting a revised corrected schematic