I made a FIFO using the Core Generator and I'm trying to implement a code that use it...
1) By putting the switch (T9) ON, I start transmitting some datas to my fifo (Here H-e-l-l-o for test)
2) By pressing the button T16, I read the FIFO
The code is working on simulation but not in implementation... Here's my simulation result :
- No need
- No need
- No need
- Data_out
As you can see, it sends a zero then a 72 (H from ASCII code because I'm sending data using RS232) then 101 (e) then 2 times 108 (l) and then 111 (0) is reapeted because the fifo is working in a way that if it's empty, it's sending the last value so it's working fine.
Here's the result I have using putty (an RS232 reader) and by pushing the button T16 a lot of times :
Here's a part of my code, I can put the zip file if you needed, just ask it in comment.
The part where I generate the data into the FIFO :
if rising_edge (clk) then
if SW_T9 ='1' then
if cnt = 10 then
wr_en <= '0';
elsif cnt = 11 then
DATA <= "010010000000000000";--H
elsif cnt = 12 then
wr_en <= '1';
elsif cnt = 13 then
wr_en <= '0';
elsif cnt = 14 then
DATA <= "011001010000000000";--e
elsif cnt = 15 then
wr_en <= '1';
elsif cnt = 16 then
wr_en <= '0';
elsif cnt = 17 then
DATA <= "011011000000000000";--l
elsif cnt = 18 then
wr_en <= '1';
elsif cnt = 19 then
wr_en <= '0';
elsif cnt = 20 then
DATA <= "011011000000000000";--l
elsif cnt = 21 then
wr_en <= '1';
elsif cnt = 22 then
wr_en <= '0';
elsif cnt = 23 then
DATA <= "011011110000000000";--o
elsif cnt = 24 then
wr_en <= '1';
elsif cnt = 25 then
wr_en <= '0';
end if;
if cnt <25 then
cnt <= cnt+1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Here are my errors (only during Synthesis) :
WARNING:Xst:2211 - "D:/Users/.../TOP_MODULE.vhd" line 135: Instantiating black box module .
WARNING:Xst:1710 - FF/Latch (without init value) has a constant value of 0 in block . This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
WARNING:Xst:1710 - FF/Latch (without init value) has a constant value of 0 in block . This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
No important warning as you can see (I hope I'm right)...
My question is : Do you know why I don't have the same result in simulation and on board?
Don't hesitate to comment and ask me question, it's really important for me to solve this problem...