I need to sample 8 power switches connected to 230 Volt supply. I want to record the status of these switch every 10 seconds and send to cloud for which I am using arduino with ethernet shield.
For example if status of switches is as below
On Off on On Off Off Off Off
then output should be a single byte 10110000.
I am a novice in electronic so bare with me if its quite straight forward.
As i want this circuit to be place in box for switch space is a concern.
Also my digital pins on Arduino are already used for other purposes.
One option which I was thinking was to use 8 differnt LM7805 to convert AC to dc from all switches and then use some D to A converter, and feed back this Analog signal to analog pin of Arduino from where I can convert that to byte and send to web.
Please guide if LM7805 will take 220V supply (home supply in India) and if not how that can be managed. Also I think using 8 LM7805 will take lot of space.