The basic question has been answered by Marko Buršič. There should be no doubt that the VFD will very effectively limit the starting current. The input current to the VFD should never exceed 110% of the rated current. The starting current will be limited with the VFD set to the default settings as received from the factory except that you must enter the power supply voltage and the required information from the rating plate of the motor.
The I/f adjustments are concerned with "flying start." That is starting the VFD while the motor shaft is already turning for some reason, perhaps a power interruption or possibly air flow that due to a supply fan running prior to starting a return fan. If you don't understand that function and can't identify that you definitely need it, it might be better to disable it. If you feel you need it, leave the settings at the default values unless you can identify that you are having a problem with it. In that case, you may need some expert assistance. The use of that function should not raise a concern for excessive starting current.
VFDs have a capacitor charging inrush current that occur only when power is first applied to the VFD. All VFDs must limit that inrush to prevent damage to the diodes and DC bus capacitors. Various methods including combinations of methods are used to limit the charging current. VFDs are normally not energized and de-energized very often and the motor is normally prevented from starting until capacitor charging is complete. The peak charging current is very brief and the magnitude is partly determined by the source impedance. It is rarely a concern for the user and VFD manufacturers don't usually publish information about it. AC and/or DC inductance that is often built into VFDs to limit harmonic current also helps to limit charging current.
The first item of the flying start parameters in the Vacon manual serves as a heading for the related parameters that include I/f. That and the context of the material provided about those parameters serve to explain what I/f is. Other manufacturers may explain that function differently and use different parameter names. Vacon may explain the various performance feature in a more general manual that applies to more than product.