As an example, lets say I'm looking to convert 24V to 12V for a circuit that draws 800mA.
I understand that a standard linear regulator is going to dissipate 9.6W so is out of the question here. So if I look on RS Components I find a DC-DC converter THD 12-2412WI and a switching regulator TSR 1-24120.
Am I right in assuming that the 12-2412WI is a DC-DC Buck converter? If so, considering the size, cost and efficiency, why would anybody ever use it as opposed to the switching regulator? Is there some advantage to using one over the other? I've tried looking online but I'm only seeing people compare linear regulators to switching regulators which I don't feel is quite what I'm looking for. Or have I made a mistake in my assumption of how these parts work?
Edit: If I've made the correct assumption and the THD 12-2412WI is a buck converter then will it's circuit not be the same as the TSR 1-24120? If so, why such a difference in parameters/size/cost?