I'm trying to design a synchronous sequential circuit to implement a tail light controller for a 1965 Ford Thunderbird using verilog as shown below (included with the state diagram).
I have the working code below:
module tail_lights
input clock,
input reset,
input left,
input right,
input haz,
output reg [1:6] lights
parameter idle = 6'b000000, //tail patterns as output-coded state assignments
L3 = 6'b111000,
L2 = 6'b011000,
L1 = 6'b001000,
R1 = 6'b000100,
R2 = 6'b000110,
R3 = 6'b000111,
LR3 = 6'b111111;
always @ (posedge clock) //state memory
(reset) lights <= idle; else
case (lights) // and next-state logic.
idle : if (haz || (left && right)) lights <= LR3;
else if (left && ~haz && ~right) lights <= L1;
else if (right && ~haz && ~left) lights <= R1;
else lights <= idle;
L1 : lights <= L2;
L2 : lights <= L3;
L3 : lights <= idle;
R1 : lights <= R2;
R2 : lights <= R3;
R3 : lights <= idle;
LR3 : lights <= idle;
default : ;
I want to make it so that the module is has the output la, lb, lc, ra, rb, rc;
instead of the [1:6] lights
array I have.
I tried just having it be reg [1:6] lights
then assign la = lights[1], lb = lights[2],
etc. But that made the sequence run backwards (ie: left would run 111000, 011000, 001000 instead of 001000, 011000, 111000)
How can I fix this? Thanks in advance!
Here's the testbench, if needed:
module testbench;
reg clock; // Free running clock
reg reset; // Active high reset
reg left; // Input - left turn request
reg right; // Input - right turn request
reg haz; // Input - hazard request
wire [1:6] lights; // Output - lights display
initial // Done once at start up
$dumpfile( "dump.vcd" );
clock = 0; // Set initial values for inputs
reset = 0;
left = 0;
right = 0;
haz = 0;
#1 reset = 1;
#9 reset = 0;
#20 // Wait to make sure system is idle
// Test left turn signal
left = 1;
#10 left = 0;
#50 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test right turn signal
right = 1;
#10 right = 0;
#50 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test hazard
haz = 1;
#50 haz = 0;
#30 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test simultaneous left and right
left = 1;
right = 1;
#50 left = 0;
right = 0;
#30 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test hazard priority over left
left = 1;
haz = 1;
#50 left = 0;
haz = 0;
#30 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test hazard priority over right
right = 1;
haz = 1;
#50 right = 0;
haz = 0;
#30 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test hazard NOT interrupting left signal
left = 1;
#10 left = 0;
haz = 1;
#30 haz = 0;
#30 // Wait to make sure signal stops
// Test hazard NOT interrupting right signal
right = 1;
#10 right = 0;
haz = 1;
#30 haz = 0;
#30 $finish;
#5 clock = ~clock;
// Instantiate module
tail_lights u1
.clock( clock ),
.reset( reset ),
.left( left ),
.right( right ),
.haz( haz ),