Having done the exercise 2.2 from Horowitz's "The Art of Electronics," I feel uncertain and would like somebody familiar with the matter to check my solution. With this aim in head I've searched the forum and found this topic: Designing a stiff voltage source using an emitter follower, which gives a solution. But, even if this is useful and solves the exercise, it uses another approach than the one intended to be used in the textbook (this exercise is given in the section talking about follower's input and output impedance). Furthermore, my solution gives lower values for the resistors and I don't understand where my error is.
Briefly, my solutions are (for simplicity I don't use emitter resistor—just the load):
1st version:
Voltage divider equation is
$$V_{in} = V_{source}\frac{R_2}{R_1 + R_2}$$
where \$V_{in} = 5.6V\$ (input to the follower) and \$V_{source} = 15V\$. From this we can express \$R_2\$ from
$$R_2 = \frac{5.6}{9.4}R_1$$
And for simplicity we denote \$\frac{5.6}{9.4}\$ as \$k\$
Next, the resistance of the divider lower leg is actually parallel resistance of \$R_2\$ and \$r_{in}\$ (the follower input resistance). So, the actual voltage at the lower leg is $$V_{div} = 15 \frac{\frac{R_2r_{in}}{R_2 + r_{in}}}{\frac{R_2r_{in}}{R_2 + r_{in}} + R_1}$$ solving this and using \$k\$ we get $$V_{div} = 15 \frac{kr_{in}}{(k + 1)r_{in} + kR_1}$$
Dividing the nominator and denominator here by \$k\$ and denoting \$k' = 1/k\$ we have
$$V_{div} = 15 \frac{r_{in}}{(1 + k')r_{in} + R_1}$$
\$V_{div}\$ should not be lower that \$5.35V\$. So,
$$15 \frac{r_{in}}{(k' + 1)r_{in} + R_1} \geqslant 5.35$$
Finally, resolving this regarding \$R_1\$ and using the relation \$r_{in} = (h_{fe} + 1)R_{load}\$ from the book gives: $$R_1 \leqslant \frac{(15 - 5.35(1 + k'))(1 + h_{fe})R_{load}}{5.35}$$
Choosing the value of \$R_{load}\$ from condition of \$I_{max} = 25mA\$ at \$5V\$ which gives \$R_{load} = 200\Omega\$ and using \$h_{fe} = 10\$ as proposed in the topic mentioned above I've got \$R_1 \leqslant 275.4\Omega, R_2 \leqslant 164\Omega\$
2nd version
We can also consider \$R_{source}\$ which is the divider impedance:
$$R_{source} = \frac{k}{(k + 1)}R_1$$
The \$R_{source}\$ formula is derived using one more time the denotion \$k = \frac{5.6}{9.4}, R_2 = kR_1\$
Then we use \$Z_{out} = \frac{Z_{source}}{h_{fe} + 1}\$ from the book substituting \$Z\$ with \$R\$ which gives $$R_{out} = \frac{k}{(k + 1)(h_{fe} + 1)} R_1$$ As the load forms voltage divider with the follower output impedance and as the voltage drop at the load shoud be \$ \geqslant 4.75\$ we have $$V_{load} = V_{out} \frac{R_{load}}{R_{load} + R_{out}} \geqslant 4.75$$
Resolving this with \$V_{out} = 5V\$ and using earlier derived formula for \$R_{out}\$ we have $$R_1 \leqslant \frac{0.25(k + 1)(h_{fe} + 1)R_{load}}{4.75k}$$
Using one more time \$R_{load} = 200\Omega\$, this gives \$R_1 \leqslant 310 \Omega, R_2 \leqslant 184 \Omega\$
So, as one can see, the values are about 10 times less than in the topic mentioned above and, furthermore, they are different in my 2 versions. I can't see where is my error.
Could someone help me with this?
Thank you very much