INPUT: I start with a variable DC supply (rated up to 5A) that varies between 0V and 24V.
OUTPUT: Let's say I'd like to get a directly proportional output voltage between 0V and 5V (i.e. a re-map of the original range, so that 0V becomes 0V, and 12V becomes 2.5V, and 24V becomes 5V, etc.).
CURRENT DRAW AT OUTPUT: Assume this final output voltage (which varies between 0 to 5V) will be used to power a motor that draws a maximum current of approximately 1A. So, the motor's speed would change as the original supply, and thus the reduced supply, changes.
Is it possible to do the above? Regulators are out for obvious reasons, and a voltage divider would create a lot of heat and doesn't sound like the ideal solution.
A few people suggested PWM would be a simple solution, so I researched a bit and found this example of achieving PWM with a 555 timer (further questions below):
Is this a suitable implementation for my purpose, or is there a ready-to-use PWM-performing IC that I can try applying within my circuit?
Additionally, I looked up LM555's datasheet, and it seems to operate at max. supply of 18V, whereas I need up to 24V. Any suggestions on this front?