I am using a Yokogawa WT310 for measuring DC power. The manual (available here) says that both current and voltage have accuracy of +/-(0.1% of reading + 0.2% of range).
Assume this example setup:
Input current: 700mA
Current Range: 1A
Input voltage: 10v
Voltage Range: 15v
Based on that setup and the meter specifications, we can calculate the following:
P = V * I = 7w
Verror = +/-(0.001 * 10v + 0.002 * 15v) = +/- 0.04v
Ierror = +/-(0.001 * 0.7A + 0.002 * 1A) = +/- 0.0027A
My goal is to calculate the power measurement's error margin. Here's what I've done:
Perror = Verror * Ierror = 0.04v * 0.0027A = 0.000108w
Note that in this example, Perror is less than both Verror and Ierror.
Now imagine I'm using a less accurate meter and measuring much higher voltage and current ranges. Assume I get these results for error margins:
Verror = 1.17v
Ierror = 1.2A
Perror = Verror * Ierror = 1.17v * 1.2A = 1.404w
Now, Perror is greater than both Verror and Ierror.
This makes sense mathematically; that's just how multiplying numbers less than 1 and greater than 1 works. But it makes me feel like I'm missing something conceptually. Shouldn't Perror scale consistently relative to Verror and Ierror? Am I just calculating Perror incorrectly?