Was doing some electrical work, plugged in a charger for an LED work light, the thing goes foof, charging is not happening so much right now.
I took the charger apart, and the only thing that looks even remotely in a post-foof state is the one pictured (the board itself appears undamaged, albeit scorched). I'm assuming it's a resistor, but I don't claim to be certain, and I don't know which size/rating. There is a black band at the bottom and a brown band at the top, and I don't think there are any bands gone missing since "the incident".
Can you identify it, so that I can replace it and see if that revives the charger? I would like that very much.
The charger is marked as "110-230V, 0.3A" with output rating of "5V 1500mA".
Top side 1
top side 2
bottom side (component is between indicated holes)