I just got the aforementioned device and, upon writing a simple program (it compiles) and going into Programmer, when I try to program the device with the .sof file, I see is (Failed)
and Quartus' Messages says
Error (209031): Device chain in Chain Description File does not match physical device chain -- expected 1 device(s) but found 2 device(s).
Furthermore, when I try to use the Board Test System that comes with the kit, I get
Java.lang.Exception: No USB Blaster detected.
even though I know 100% that I have the USB blaster driver installed, and have been using it with a different Cyclone II board.
I suspect there might be some sort of mismatch between the version of Quartus I have (13sp1) and the version of Quartus indicated by the development kit that comes with my device (12.1) but I cannot be sure.