I am trying to send TTL pulse from single Arduino digital pin to 8 different Raspberry Pi simultaneously. For this I have connected 8 raspberry pi in parallel to arduino digital pin.
Since, Arduino runs at 5V and raspberry Pi at 3.3V, I am using a switching diode (1N4148) connected to 3.3V pin on pi as shown in the figure for droppping voltage levels.
Now here is my question, when I check for output voltage at Arduino it shows 0.2V rather than 5V which means that arduino pin is not able to drive all the pi as they are drawing a lot of current. Also another thing, when I start removing one pi at a time from circuit, the arduino starts working perfectly for 4 pi. As far I can think of this is mostly an issue related to not enough current to drive all pi.
How can I make this ciruit work?? I read up online that a voltage buffer say something like LM110, LM741 can be used to solve this issue. Is this the right direction to work on? Can something else be done?