I'm a newbie to electronics and for my project I need to control a matrix LED with beaglebone black. I bought a LED click board (https://download.mikroe.com/documents/add-on-boards/click/4x4-rgb/4x4-rgb-click-manual-v100.pdf).
The problems is that I can't find any example on how to control a matrix LED from beaglebone. I've tried reading up on protocols like SPI [https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-io-python-library-on-beaglebone-black/spi] (I think this click board uses SPI) but no success.
It would be great if anyone can guide me on how to address the LEDs in the matrix via beaglebone. As there is only 1 pin (RST) on my board that connects to the LED. So I assume I have to send bit signals through this pin.