From the title It may seems like I need someone just do me the transfer function, but it is not.I'm looking for some directions.
I'm trying to calculate transfer function of \$ \frac{v_t}{d}|_{v_g=0} \$ of boost converter considering all resistances like inductor resistance , switch 's resistance , diode resistance and capacitor resistance (\$R_L,R_S,R_D,R_C \$) in CCM mode. This is my small signal model of the Boost converter:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
where $$X_L=sL/D'^{2}$$ $$X_C=1/sC$$ $$R_e=\frac{R+DR_S+D'R_D}{D'^2}$$ $$V_e=\frac{V_{out}-I(R_D-R_S)}{D'}$$
Here \$D=\frac{T_{ON}}{T_{ON}+T_{OFF}}\$ and \$D'=1-D\$ ,\$V_{out}\$ is output & \$V_{in}\$ input in DC and \$v_t\$ is small signal output
Now to find the transfer function of the ratio of output voltage and duty cycle, $$\frac{v_t}{R||X_C}+dI+\frac{v_t-V_e}{X_L+R_e}=0|_{v_g=0}$$ which leads to $$\frac{v_t}{d}|_{v_g=0}=\frac{R}{D'^3}.\frac{D'V_{out}-I(sL+R+R_D)}{RD'^2+(1+sCR)(sL+R+DR_S+D'R_D)}$$ This do not seems right as there should be at least two zero, but I can't find where did I do wrong. Again I thought if I replace value of \$V_{out}\$ and \$I\$ in terms of \$V_{in}\$ then it may give some good value. But as they are DC value and do not introduce any pole or zero, it did not help much.
My request is, if any one of you derive this transfer function considering all resistances, can you point me out where I may done some wrong calculation. Or any link where detail explanation for this derivation is explained. Most of the link I found use approximate transfer function and do not derive them . Some references derive transfer function using state variable, but considering all this factors , deriving from state variable very very tough for me as those references use values instead of symbols like \$R_L,R_S,R_D\$ .
I don't give total calculation here cause it's nearly 2 page calculation and clumsy But if you need it, ask in comment . I'll add them. I go through them couple of times, hope there is no mistake.
My small signal model seems current to me as when I neglect \$R_L,R_D,R_S\$ it become the Boost converter small signal model given in Book(Fundamental of Power Electronics by Erickson & Maksimovic).