I am writing specifications for a product and need help to minimize its future need of maintenance.
In order to be able to be (optionally) monitored from the Internet the device is supposed to have a USB CDC port to connect it to a computer (I am now developing it as a python script on raspberry) able to poll data from it (less than 10 byte a minute, speed is not the problem here) and generate a nice webpage.
My concern is to minimize the need for future work on this communication capability feature: we decided to make it as a pr stunt but we expect to be used by a minority of our customers, spending days every year maintaining and fixing the code is not an option.
Computer-side we decided to open source the code and, of course, also the AT command for the device. Device side, what worries me is the need for drivers.
What USB class should I put my device into for it to be recognized as a COM port without the need of distributing drivers? I.E. if I make it adhere to Communication Devices Class specification can I have it recognized as a com port thru "standard, omni-present" drivers?