Hey guys I was referred here from another site and was hoping that someone could help me out.
Some Background Information:
I'm a 4th year EE student at Georgia Tech. A research team with the AE department came around to some of our classes and asked for help with their project for some of their more electronic stuff. I signed up and ended up on the FPGA team which has deteriorated to myself and one other guy, so we're really busy. My current task is to set up a camera to take and store pictures using the FPGA & DSP on this board.
I'm stuck using firewire due to the limitations of the camera and the restrictions on the number of pins that has been allocated to me, so in the last month or so I've been trying to build a link + host layer for a firewire interface with this thing arbitrating for me. I also have to use system verilog. Anyways, I've never used the language before and am having a hard time trying to create one from scratch. The firewire interface seems super complex and I've basically been told "hurry up" by the guys in charge of the project.
Originally I had planned to use this project from opencores.com but it's missing files and I gave up trying to repair it since I don't really know the language all that well, but it looks like I'm probably going to need to either figure out how to fix it or find something else that will work or else I won't be finished in time.
In the top level file it includes a file called fw_link_defines.vh, which I don't have and doesn't seem to be anywhere else on the internet. It looks like it defines(?) three things, if that's what the ` is actually doing in statements like "pkt_type = `SELF_ID_PKT;", which wouldn't be too hard to fix, but there's also some weird thing called phy_ctrl which I thought was a structure or something but after looking on the internet it appears to be an "instantiation". I can't figure out what the heck that actually does. I've looked at a few tutorials but can't seem to find any good ones on them, all I've found is large tutorials with one paragraph that says "this is an instantiation, they are a real pain to work with" and don't really explain much.
(Start here for TL;DR)
Basically what I'm asking is that if anyone knows any other open FPGA projects that use firewire to talk to a device, or if anyone knows a good source to learn how to use instantiations. I've been having a real hard time with this and would be very grateful for any help you could give. Thanks guys.