I am thinking of making my own LED lamp - That is, have an array of LEDs and power them off, maybe, a battery pack? The power source I am lenient, I'll solve that issue when I get to it. My main question is regarding the LEDs
Is it more efficient to individually solder, say, 20 or 50 individual 5mm LEDs like these:
By soldering them, I mean taking two pieces of long wire, and soldering the all the positive ends of the LED strip to one wire and all the negative ends to another wire, and power it on from the two ends of the wires.
Or should I simply buy a LED Strip and break it up into little strips and slap them onto a template?
My main concern is energy consumption - the LED strip requires 12v, whereas the individual LEDs require 3.2-3.4v. Since I will be powering them off lithium ion batteries, each battery has a range between 4.2v and 3.2v. I will be regulating the voltage with a buck boost converter. TO power the individual LEDs, I'll need only one battery, whereas for the 12v I will need multiple batteries so that they are not stressed.
As well, are LED strips generally brighter than the individual LEDs, which are 15,000mCD each?
Each individual LED is, say, 3.3v and draws 20mA. for 20, that's 1.3Whrs.