I have a BLDC driver board and am having trouble identifying a component. Its PCB label is X3 so I initially assumed it was a fuse of some type. However it is connected in 3 spots. I searched smd code tables etc but can't find it. Looks like 470C is printed on the component but could be 47OC etc. Also picture of inside of same component after the guy in the store wanted to prove to me that it was a removable fuse - which it wasn't. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you for the responses so far. I've drawn a crude circuit diagram which I should have included to start with. Could they be Mosfets? eg BSS138 Found some I2C bi-directional level shifter circuits which had some similarities. Also Ive tried to get some better closeups of the "pulled apart" component.
I am limited to 2 links so combined images into one.