I'm in the process of assembling a 1000w total LED light bar, which consists of 10x100w chips, which at full power, consume 3A at around 35V. For this, I'm using 3 dc-dc boost converters, each which converts 12V+ from a car battery, to anything from 12V all the way up to 75V. Each boost converter can handle 20A output, so either works fine.
My question is, should I wire half the LEDs in parallel, and then in series, and have the boost converters pump the voltage all the way up to 70V, or should I keep them in parallel and lower the output voltage to 35V?
I know that normally, boost converters lose efficiency when boosting more, but I'm not sure which will put less stress on the boost converters themselves, as I want to have the setup be as stable as possible.
Thanks in advance.