Consider the circuit shown below where delay of each flip flop is 10ns and delay of each AND gate is 5ns each. What is the total propagation delay ?
My Attempt:-
1) Consider that initial state i.e Q0Q1Q2 = 000 . So, after 10ns (5 + 5), we get inputs for all flip flops.
2)Now when we apply the clock to 1st flip flop (T0), it produces output after 10ns which acts as an input for T1.
3)After 10ns, T1 produces output in 20ns and activates T2. But by 15ns, output of 1st AND gate reaches simultaneously to T1 flip flop and 2nd AND gate and 2nd AND gate produces output in 20ns (15 + 5).
4)Now T2 takes another 10ns to produce output Q2 at 30ns (20+10).
So total propagation delay should be 30ns according to me.
But the answer is 30+5+5 = 40ns.
Please can someone tell me where am I going wrong ?