I want to use an Arduino TFT shield (ILI9341) on a Nucleo STM32L476 developement board. This shield use 8 bits MCU mode and work well but the pin implantation for the Arduino connector on the Nucleo is not very convenient.
The data bus pins mapping is actually :
TFT | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
NUCLEO | PA8 | PB10 | PB4 | PB5 | PB3 | PA10 | PC7 | PA9 |
To write a byte on TFT bus i need to do a lot of shifting, masking, etc ... This produce an overhead on the TFT communication bandwidth.
Is there a way on the STM32L4 to remap the GPIOs and PORTs into a sort of "virtual parallel port" where, after configuration, i can just write my byte on a register and the the hardware wire this register into the specified GPIOs/PORTs ?