Unless the problem contains some kind of hint or special instruction, you cannot ignore R1 and R2. The input voltage, Ue, is applied at the capacitor, Ce. Ce and R1||R2 form a high-pass filter which affects the overall gain.
Sometimes, if a professor wants you to ignore a capacitor, he/she may label the capacitor as "infitnite" or may say "assume Ce is very large" or "consider gain in the passband only". Those would all be clues that you can ignore R1||R2. In the absence of any such clues, you cannot ignore it.
For example, it seems that the capacitor in parallel with RAP is intended to be so large that we can ignore RAP. (At least, that is what I think the double "greater-than" symbol means).
I would discuss the matter with the professor for sure. Just do it in a respectful way with a smile, not in a challenging way.