I have built a circuit to flash an LED using a 555 timer IC, but it doesn't flash... the LED just stays on steadily.
-- I carefully followed the instructions on a common tutorial, which is: http://www.instructables.com/id/Flashing-LED-using-555-Timer/
-- Here you can watch a video where I give a nice clear display of the circuit I built, and what the IC pins and leads all connect to. Video is at: https://youtu.be/qYDeqq9Bua4
-- I have tried it with 9V battery and also 4 AA's. Same result. I also tried with different color LEDs in case the draw is different somehow. Same result.
-- My capacitor: I forgot to mention in the video that I am using one that is "Electrolytic Cap 1uF / 50V" ... the instructions called for 1uF capacitor and this seemed to me to fit that specification.
-- I have checked the positive/negative on the LED and the capacitor. And I know that you see exposed leads to resistors around, but nothing is shorting out...
-- Here is a photo of the circuit. I'm sure very hard to see it. The video linked above(even just the first several seconds of it) might be easier to see. Photo is:
-- In the tutorial I followed, linked above, this is the schematic that I I was told that we were following:
-- As you can see, I am clearly novice at building electronics from scratch. I dabble in other IT stuff like Arduino but trying to get smarter on the electronics here.
Giant, huge thanks for your time and any help you can give!