I have an EEPROM (AT28C64B) multiplexed and connected to 3 seven segment displays,
I did so using a tutorial online from ben eater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLh1n2dErzE&t=300s
Sorry for the bad quality photo
Here's my setup, from left to right, the ICs I'm using, 555 timer connecting in Astable mode, SN74LS112 Dual JK flip flop, SN74LS139 Demultiplexer and the 7 segment display I'm using is called a SC05-11EWA (I only have two but a third is in the post)
I've had a problem with ghosting on the 7 segment displays and I'm not quite sure how to fix it, I have exhausted google, to no avail so I hope someone can help.
If you need further info feel free to comment.
Thanks, Patrick
(edit) Here's a schematic I made using EasyEDA, sorry about the cluster it's my second time making a schematic.