Im now using Boylestad's book as a reference for making an RC Oscillator. it says in the book that for an RC Oscillator to Oscillate it needs
1) AV >= 29
2) that the phase shift of the RC network to amount 180 total.
the books says the formula F = 1/2pi(C)(R)(√N) will produce a 180 degree phase shift where N is the number of RC in the circuit
my target frequency is 4Mhz, and the available Capacitor is 100pF then 4Mhz = 1/2pi(100pF)(R)(√6) R = 162
Av for inverting amp is AV = Rf/R1
29V = Rf/162 Rf = 4698 Ohms
but the output im getting is like a noise and is random, and its super small in the femto volts region. at low frequency(60Hz ) this method works, but when i simply changed the values after doing the calculations provided by the book i can no longer make it work pls help