I am driving a two side by side fans (original Xbox 360) from 20v, 4A source via a 12v regulator and a 10k trim potentiometer. The goal is simply to adjust voltage between 3v-12v, nothing I havent done before but shortly after setting the fans to the speed I want (say 6v), they begin slow down, around 4v. Then I adjust the pot to speed them up and then sometimes they will randomly go full speed ahead.
The pot doesnt get warm, the regulator output voltage is stable 11.96v. I have noticed that if the pot outputs 7v with the fans unplugged, the voltage sags to below 5v when plugged in.
The fans pull roughly 320mA @ 12v and 170mA @ 5v in this setup so 3.85W maximum. Ive read a lot of trimpots have a max rating of 3.00W but this happens at power levels below that?