I'm looking for a little help with a simple battery charging project. I've bought a pack of cheap USB charging boards on ebay (link) with the intent of using one to charge a small Li-Ion battery. While testing it, I've noticed that the board is running pretty hot. Within 30 seconds of plugging it into a USB wall adapter (5V,1A output), the charging board heats up to ~140F/60C (according to my multimeter's thermometer probe). The battery, however, stays room temp.
I was pretty concerned about this, but after looking up the spec sheet for the charging IC (TC4056A), I see it lists the maximum junction temperature as 125C (257F). As I understand it, the max "junction temperature" is the component's max operating temperature.
This project is a bit of a learning experience for me, so I'm wondering if this sounds ok. While 140F is well below the chip's junction temp, it just seems really high. Thank you for your help.