As the title suggests, I'm having trouble generating netlist from KiCad for Ngspice, the problem being that I can't get KiCad to output a "0" node for "ground".
I'm aware that I'm supposed to use the "0" as my ground from the pspice library, but somehow it doesn't work for me.
I found this guide KiCAD Schematic: Naming Nets and ngspice Simulation in Linux, which seems to address the exact issue I'm experiencing; however, when the guide says
You can use Global labels instead of net name labels. When you use Global labels, the net names in the netlist are OK. Use 0 for reference instead of GND or Ground. That way it will be interpreted as 0 volts in the simulation.
I'm not getting the same result as the guide suggests; in fact, nothing really changed on my end. Attached are screenshots of my schematics and their corresponding netlist outputs.
I'm running KiCad Version 4.0.2+dfsg1-stable release build on Ubuntu 16.04.
I've poured hours in this trying to find an answer online, but none of the existing Q&A's seem to address this problem fully. Is there something I'm missing?