Does anyone know of a comprehensive source of information on LTSPICE directories, libraries, the Control Panel - Sym & Lib Search, model locations, etc. as they relate to simulation portability?
I have two computers, whenever I create a simulation on one machine, it never runs on the other machine. I always get "Could not open library file".... even though the precise file it is complaining about is clearly in the location referenced. I have had limited success editing the directory paths in the text files that make up the project, but with no consistency (these files oddly use absolute paths). The only way I can make it work is to enter the entire design over again on the second machine. Makes no difference which machine I start with, the result is the same.
I find LTSPICE simulation portability to be a complete mystery. I would kill for some professional documentation. (something besides the terabytes worth of tidbits scattered across the WWW). I would think that the Control Panel -Sym & Lib Search was added to solve this, but I can't figure out why it exists, seems to do nothing.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.