The order of the linear system is defined as the order ("n") of the largest derivative of the differential equation describing the system. In order to solve it, also are necessary "n" initial conditions. The configuration you showed results in an equation of order 1.
The definition of order using differential equation is general. It is not always practical to verify, but works. The subject is formally treated in more advanced courses of circuit theory, usually approached using state variables (the number of states will be the order of the system). The number of states will normally be equal to the number of energy storage elements, except if there are capacitor loops and inductor cut-sets on network. This is called degeneration. Search the subject.
Ok. Let's go to talk about independent initial conditions.
See the first circuit shown below. There are only 2 INDEPENDENT initial conditions (capacitor voltages). The initial voltage on \$C_3\$, for example, can be determined by the initial voltages on \$C_1\$ and \$C_2\$. So, even having three energy storage elements (capacitors), the order of system is two. On the second circuit There are only 3 INDEPENDENT initial conditions. The initial current through \$L_3\$, for example, can be determined by the initial currents \$I_1\$ and \$I_2\$. So, even having four energy storage elements, the order os system is three.
These are more generic cases. I think this is not applies exactly to your circuit. For more detailed discussion and generic cases, please (as I already mentioned, too) consult the books.
Some comments on circuits provided by OP. For the discussion that follows is used \$\left |vo_{(0-)} \right | = \left |vc1_{(0-)} \right |\$. Pay attention for the polarity in each case.
Differential equation:
$$ RC_1C_2\frac{dv_o^2}{dt^2}+(C_1+C_2)\frac{dv_o}{dt}=RC_1C_2\frac{dv_i^2}{dt^2} + C_1\frac{dv_i}{dt} \tag{1}$$
The complete response through L.T.:
$$ Vo(s)= \frac{\left(RC_2s^2+s\right)C_1Vi(s)+\left(RC_2s+1 \right)C_1vo_{(0-)}+C_2vc2_{(0-)}}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )} $$
where \$vo_{(0-)} = -vc1_{(0-)}\$.
Separating in ZSR (Zero State Response) and ZIR (Zero Input Response):
$$ Vo(s)= \underbrace{\frac{\left(RC_2s^2+s\right)C_1}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )}Vi(s)} +\underbrace{\frac{\left(RC_2s+1 \right)C_1vo_{(0-)}+C_2vc2_{(0-)}}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )}} \tag{2}$$
Clearly indicating a second order response. But note that in the ZSR, there is a common \$s\$ factor between numerator and denominator. Note: If they are cancelled (POLE-ZERO CANCELLATION AT ORIGIN), it's obtained the first order transfer function \$\frac{\left(RC_2s+1\right)C_1}{RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2}Vi(s)\$, which we would normally expect to see in such circuit. I think the reason for this is that the equation (1) is composed exclusively by derivatives of input and output. In State Space Model (an internal representation) the system is considered NON CONTROLLABLE. The transfer function is an external representation.
In other hand, such cancelling cannot be applied on ZIR. This response exhibits a second order behavior, depending on two capacitor initial voltages (two initial conditions are required).
Differential equation:
$$ RC_1C_2\frac{dv_o^2}{dt^2}+(C_1+C_2)\frac{dv_o}{dt}=RC_2\frac{di}{dt} + i \tag{3}$$
The complete response through L.T.:
$$ Vo(s)= \frac{\left(RC_2s+1\right)I(s)+\left(RC_2s+1 \right)C_1vo_{(0-)}+C_2vc2_{(0-)}}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )} $$
This time, \$vo_{(0-)} = vc1_{(0-)}\$.
Separating in ZSR (Zero State Response) and ZIR (Zero Input Response):
$$ Vo(s)= \underbrace{\frac{RC_2s+1}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )}I(s)} +\underbrace{\frac{\left(RC_2s+1 \right)C_1vo_{(0-)}+C_2vc2_{(0-)}}{s\left( RC_1C_2s + C_1+C_2\right )}} \tag{4}$$
Clearly indicating a second order response, too. But note that in the ZSR, there is no common factor to be cancelled. Note: The ZIR response also exhibits a second order behavior, depending on two capacitor initial voltages (two initial conditions are required).
More than this: The ZIR responses (no input dependent) for both circuits are equal.