There seems to be an incoherence between what I see with my oscilloscope, and what I see with my spectrum analyser.
I have a signal of about 1MHz (if I'm not wrong), 5mV, from an antenna, through RG174 coaxial. It is clearly seen in the following picture of my oscilloscope screen.
Then I connect the same cable to my spectrum analyser, and see nothing like this apparently (see next picture).
Is my spectrum analyser damaged, or am I missing some point ?
Additional information:
OSCILLOSCOPE: AC, 50 ohm, 1ns/div, 5mv/div
SPECTRUM: 50 ohm, start frequency 500kHZ, stop frequency 15MHz, ref level 1mV, attenuation 0db, 10 db/div, set in average mode for clarity, but the same problem subsist in non average mode.